Immigration and Integration in Germany

We help you obtain a visa and a residence permit, and assist you with integrating in Germany.

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What's new in Germany in 2024? Unexpected changes that everyone should know!

In this article we look at the most important changes in Germany that will come into force in 2024. From new labor and social security rules to dramatic changes in energy, healthcare and transport. If you live in Germany or are interested in life in this country, these changes are important for everyone to know.

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First Steps After Arriving in Germany

New in Germany? Learn all about the first steps: Registration, bank account, mobile contract, health insurance and more. Your guide to a smooth start in Germany!

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Finding an Apartment in Germany from Abroad

Are you abroad and looking for an apartment in Germany? Our comprehensive guide offers helpful tips and answers to common questions to ease the process and find your perfect new abode from afar.

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Opportunity card: Application, Requirements, Points System Explained

Learn everything about the Opportunity Card in Germany: How you can apply for it, what requirements need to be met, and how the points system works.

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Free bank account (Girokonto) in Germany

Discover everything you need to know about checking accounts: What they are, how banks differ, what you should look out for when choosing and whether there are free options. Also learn how to open a checking account. Get valuable information for your financial decision.

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Get German citizenship in 2024

Want to become a German citizen quickly and easily? Find out about planned changes to the law and new opportunities for naturalization. Find out how the time limit for special achievements can be reduced to 3 years and what requirements you need to meet.

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How to find a job in Germany in 2024

Looking for a job in Germany? Our guide offers tips and tricks for finding employment, creating a standout CV, and navigating the job market in Germany. Start your job search today.

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Legalization of cannabis in Germany - everything you need to know.

Everything You Need to Know. Discover everything about the legalization of marijuana in Germany in 2024. We discuss the bill, its impact on society, the rules for cultivation, possession, and use. Detailed analysis of changes in legislation and their consequences for citizens. Join the discussion about the impact of these changes on your life.

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German train drivers strike

Latest news about the drivers' strike in Germany from 10 to 12 January 2024: find out about the impact on train traffic in cities and agglomerations. Information about Deutsche Bahn's legal attempts to prevent the strike and the emergency schedule. Advice for passengers on planning travel during the strike.

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Recognition of a diploma of higher education in Germany in 2024

Step-by-step instructions how to recognize a diploma of higher education in Germany using the anabin database. Higher Education assessment process at ZAB.

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Family reunion visa for Germany in 2024

Everything you need to know about family reunification visa (spouse, children) in Germany: requirements, duration, documents

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EU Blue Card for Germany in 2024 - salary, requirements

How to get a Blue Card EU in 2024: benefits, requirements, salary, process, and required documents. Find out now how to move to Germany!

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Which brokerage account to open in Germany?

There are a lot of brokers on the German stock market. In this article, I'll tell you which broker to choose if you don't want brokerage costs to have a huge impact on your portfolio returns.

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Which fund to invest in Germany?

By purchasing shares of just one fund, you can easily invest in thousands of companies from a dozen countries. In this article, you will learn how to do it.

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How to save money on car insurance in Germany?

Find out all the secrets on how to save hundreds of euros by simply changing your car insurance!

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How to start investing in stocks in Germany?

Learn the basic principles of investing in stocks: what stocks to buy and how long to hold them.

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How to start investing in Germany?

By popular demand, I share the basics of investing in stocks and real estate. Find out why you need to invest and how to start with just 20 €.

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All about the tax return (Steuererklärung) in Germany

Did you know that everyone who files a tax return receives an average tax refund of more than 1,000 €? In this article, you will learn how and when to file your tax return.

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What credit cards exist in Germany and what are their differences

Today I will tell you what you need to know about credit cards in Germany and under what circumstances which card to use.

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Sick leave in Germany goes digital: briefly about the main changes

Briefly about the important changes that await employees from October 1 if they take sick leave.

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How to save up to 600 € per year on health insurance in Germany

Find out how to save hundreds of euros a year on compulsory health insurance! At the same time, you can even increase the number of free services in your policy.

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